Bostich N95RHN w/ runny nose

8 years 4 months ago #1898 by Bionicarm
Bostich N95RHN w/ runny nose was created by Bionicarm

Picked a nailer from the dump yesterday, trying to figure if it's worth repairing. I don't really need one, I mean I've got a hammer, but I do have a shed to build and it would be nice.

Anyways it's pretty beat up on the outside. I had to go to the Bostich website and click on all the framing nailers to find one that matches cause the sticker with the model number was worn off. It's a Bostitch N95RHN Pneumatic Stick Nailer. I guess the reason it was found at the dump is that it leaks air out the nose. Like all the air that you hook it too runs straight out the nose. I watched a bunch of your (MTR) videos online but didn't see anything that jumped out as the quick fix.

I've had the whole thing apart and it was pretty clean inside, not too much wear on any of the o-rings or seals. The bumpers are a bit torn up but I don't think they're responsible for holding any air back. I'm a bit lost at this point. Any help you could give would be much appreciated.

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8 years 4 months ago #1900 by MTR-Admin
Replied by MTR-Admin on topic Bostich N95RHN w/ runny nose
Thanks for the post!

This problem is usually caused by the Cylinder Seal (#43), but could also be the Head Valve (#5), Piston O-ring (#40) or Piston Stop (#4). I would also recommend checking the sealing surfaces between the Cylinder Seal and Head Valve.

You can find a full breakdown of this unit by clicking on the below link:


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8 years 4 months ago #1901 by Bionicarm
Replied by Bionicarm on topic Bostich N95RHN w/ runny nose
Great, thanks for the reply. I've had a bit of an odd development. Those parts you mentioned seem ok. A little bit of wear but not enough to cause the amount of leakage that was happening. As I was puzzling on this and looking at the breakdown schematic I found that the cylinder ring (centers the cylinder in the housing) was in backwards. Flipped it around and Bingo, no more leak out the nose.....

It's leaking out the trigger instead. Pulled the valve and yep, big nick in the largest O ring. I pulled the valve apart and checked it over closely, no other nicks or serious wear on the o rings.

That ring is sold separately from the valve kit. Would you suggest trying out just that ring or should I replace the whole valve. I feel like doing the whole valve is better but really don't have much cash laying around now (yep. pretty broke)

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8 years 4 months ago #1902 by MTR-Admin
Replied by MTR-Admin on topic Bostich N95RHN w/ runny nose
Glad to hear you found the problem! I thought it may lie in the Cylinder or one of its seals, as it usually does.

You can certainly attempt to replace just the o-ring first, just make sure all other o-rings are in good shape and not misshapen badly, dry-rotted or ripped. Make sure to clean the valve well, and use o-ring lubricant on ALL of the trigger o-rings because you may as well while you have it out.

Afterwards, insert the valve in carefully so as to not damage any of the o-rings on reassembly. Then throw a few drops of pneumatic nailer lubricant and you should be good to go.

If this doesn't do it then yes, I would certainly recommend replacing the whole Trigger Valve Assembly.

Hope this does the trick for you!


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8 years 4 months ago #1903 by Bionicarm
Replied by Bionicarm on topic Bostich N95RHN w/ runny nose
Ok So a couple developments. Being as this is a replacement parts site I'm not sure you're gonna like this, but a 3/16 O-ring 7/8 diameter (or around there, they were a bit mixed up in the bins) will fit that large trigger valve and seal up well. Got it at my local Ace Hardware ($0.79) but any hardware store should have it.

Amazingly that leak jumped again. It's now coming from two places due to issues with the cylinder seal cap (Part #2). In the spirit of making due with what I have I'm going to try a paper gasket with some automotive gasket maker on top of part #2 and let you all know how that goes. If it doesn't work I'm going to buy it from MTR cause he's been super helpful. This whole site is an amazing resource, I'm very glad I stumbled on it.

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8 years 4 months ago #1904 by MTR-Admin
Replied by MTR-Admin on topic Bostich N95RHN w/ runny nose
I certainly would attempt that first, it can't hurt. This is what happens with older guns when the hard components have a lot of wears, unfortunately.

And thanks for the compliments!


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