My Ridgid OF45150a compressor had a bad pressure switch that I've been meaning to replace. I'm pretty sure it doomed my regulator before I could get a new switch. One day the tanks pressured fine as they usually do, but the regulator gage read 0 and no air would come out of the hose. I disassembled the regulator knob to see if there was something noticeably wrong and nothing caught my eye. I purchased a new regulator manifold before I saw the rebuild kits. Now I'd like to rebuild my old one, but I'm not sure how it goes back together. Usually I'm pretty good at documenting the disassembly, but I didn't think it would be complicated. Anyone know how to reassemble one of these regs? Also, can a pressure switch be fixed or should I toss it? Thanks!
Last edit: 6 years 6 months ago by Tim. Reason: New photo